NXT Skin Test Guidance

Skin Test Guidance for NXT Professional Hair Colour

The guidance from AVEC / NXT regarding patch tests is based on the specific guidance we have received from our manufacturing partner in Italy. Always read and follow the NXT colour instructions to carry out a skin test. The guidance for conducting an allergy alert test/skin test can be found on the packaging of NXT tubes and on the NXT shade chart.

The guidance is:

This product may cause skin irritation. A preliminary allergy test is advised 48 hours before using the product. Wash an area of skin on the inner arm or behind the ear and then apply a small amount of the colour and leave for 48 hours. After 48 hours wash the treated area.

If it does not show any irritation proceed with the colour application. If any abnormal reactions such as itching, redness or swelling occur do not apply NXT Permanent Hair Colour.

This test should be carried out before each application. This product must not be used for tinting eyebrows or eyelashes.

Skin test


Hair colorants can cause severe allergic reactions. Always read and follow instructions carefully.

Hair colour is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.

Temporary ―black henna tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.

Do not colour your hair if:

— You have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp

— You have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair

— You have experienced a reaction to a temporary, black henna tattoo in the past.

Please be aware that even if a patch test has been carried out you may still experience an allergic reaction when colour is applied to the hair. An allergy test is not a guarantee of avoiding future allergic reactions. Please consult a Doctor if you have any doubts.

Any variance to these guidelines would need to be discussed and agreed with your insurance company. Different insurance companies often have specific guidance on skin testing processes written into their policy wording. AVEC / NXT can only advise that you talk to them directly regarding any policies they may allow whilst still giving you the cover and protection you want.

Questions and Answers

How do I carry out a skin test?

Take the following steps.

Clean a small area of skin behind the ear or on the inner surface of the forearm, using soap and water or alcohol.

Mix 5 grams of colour with 5 grams of developer (using the exact shade of colour if known; otherwise, a shade as close as possible to the shade intended to be used).

Apply 1cm² (e.g. the size of a small coin) of the colour and developer mix on to the cleansed area of skin and allow to dry.

Leave for 48 hours without washing, covering or touching.

After 48 hours wash the area gently. During the 48 hour period, if you notice any abnormal reactions, such as itching, redness or swelling in or around the test area, remove immediately and DO NOT APPLY THE PRODUCT.

Can an NXT skin test be done later than 48 hours before applying hair colour?

No. The test must be done at least 48 hours before the appointment.


How long before 48 hours can the patch test be done?

It is recommended that a patch test is carried out as close as possible to 48 hours before the appointment. However, it is reasonable to do the test up to 7 days before provided that other factors that could cause allergic reactions do not come into play during the time between the test and the salon appointment. Examples of this include other chemical treatments such as a perm or straightening service, bleaching, etc.


Does the colour need to be mixed with developer prior to doing the allergy test?

Yes. Mix 5g of colour with 5g of developer and then apply to the skin.


Can the skin test always be carried out with the same shade – e.g. 1-0?

No. Where possible the same shade should be used as is intended to be used on the customer during the appointment. Shade 1-0 does contain the highest concentration of Resorcinol and PPD as it is the darkest shade, but other shades can contain dyes that are not present in other shades.


How long is a patch test valid for?

A patch test should be done at least 48 hours prior to each application of colour. This is true even for regular clients, as allergic reactions can happen at any time.


Should I keep a record of tests carried out on customers?

It is advised that best practice is to have a signed record of tests having been completed.